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Friday, April 23, 2010

The CN Sharma Sexcapade

It is very terrible to read of assaults involving children, especially that of sexual assault. When children are sexually molested by adults there should be immediate and swift legal repercussions and the in the case of Mr. Chandra Narine Sharma the law needs to run its full course.

The story involving him and the underage children is horrendous, not only because of the nature of the crime committed but because of the seeming complicity of the mother.  Any mother that would voluntarily give their children up to be sexually molested by a man or anyone for that matter for financial or other gains, needs to feel the full extent of the law as well as the offender.  This is complicity of the worst form.

Mr. Sharma, under law, is innocent until proven guilty, but in cases such as these it is very hard for a society to maintain  its objectivity.  These are children all below the age 13, and it is beyond comprehension what pleasure or satisfaction an adult male can derive from relations with a child.  It is heinous to say the least.

If proven guilty of this/these terrible acts I am fully in support of the harshest possible punishment to be meted out  to this individual.  But while we get all up in arms about the Sharma situation we as a society need to realise that he is not the only influential figure in society that has committed terrible acts of sexual molestation against our children.  There are many many in this country who are guilty and complicit in the sexual exploitation of very young children, boys and girls.  We should seek to have all of these people exposed for the perverts and social delinquents that they are, and them let then lose in Camp Street.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Interactive discussion

What do you think is delaying the local government elections?